Το λεξιλόγιο αποτελεί παραλλαγή του λεξιλογίου «Θεματικές Επιστημονικών Πεδίων ΕΚΤ», ειδικά διαμορφωμένη για την κατηγοριοποίηση των τεκμηρίων του OpenArchives.gr
Φυσικές Επιστήμες ▶ Χημεία
Natural Sciences ▶ Chemical sciences (http://semantics.gr/authorities/EKT-voc-classifier/1553209112)
isi - Chemistry, Applied covers resources that report on the application of basic chemical sciences to other sciences, engineering, and industry. Topics include chemical engineering (catalysis, fuel processing, microencapsulation, and functional polymers); food science and technology (cereals, hydrocolloids, and food additives); medicinal chemistry (pharmacology); dyes and pigments; coatings technology; and cosmetics.