Το λεξιλόγιο αποτελεί παραλλαγή του λεξιλογίου «Θεματικές Επιστημονικών Πεδίων ΕΚΤ», ειδικά διαμορφωμένη για την κατηγοριοποίηση των τεκμηρίων του OpenArchives.gr
isi - Cell & Tissue Engineering covers resources that apply technology to the chemical, mechanical, and electrical alteration or preparation of cells and tissues. Cell regions that can be redesigned and manipulated include: the membrane, receptors, cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, genes, and matrix. Resources in this category span a range of technologies including: engineering regeneration of nerve, adipose or endothelial tissue; developing various types of engineered stem cells; and biomechanical aspects of engineered tissue/cells. This category does not include resources on clinical interventions.