Το λεξιλόγιο αποτελεί παραλλαγή του λεξιλογίου «Θεματικές Επιστημονικών Πεδίων ΕΚΤ», ειδικά διαμορφωμένη για την κατηγοριοποίηση των τεκμηρίων του OpenArchives.gr
isi - Engineering, Petroleum covers resources that report on a combination of engineering concepts, methods, and techniques on drilling and extracting hydrocarbons and other fluids from the earth (e.g., chemical flooding, thermal flooding, miscible displacement techniques, and horizontal drilling) and on the refining process. Relevant topics in this category include drilling engineering, production engineering, reservoir engineering, and formation evaluation, which infers reservoir properties through indirect measurements.