

Provider Resource
An EOSC Resource is an asset made available by means of the EOSC system and according to the EOSC Rules of Participation to EOSC End- Users to perform a process useful to deliver value in the context of the EOSC. EOSC Resources include Services, Data Sources, Research Products and any other asset.


Qualified name Label
catriseu:publicContact Public Contact
catriseu:resourceName Resource Name
catriseu:resourceOrganisation Resource Organisation
catriseu:resourceWebpage Resource Webpage
catriseu:resourceProvider Resource Provider
catriseu:resourceMarketingInfo Resource Marketing Info
catriseu:resourceClassification Resource Classification
catriseu:resourceGeographicalLanguageAvailabilityInfo Resource Geographical Language Availability Info
catriseu:geographicLocation Geographic Location
catriseu:resourceOwnerMainContact Resource Owner Main Contact
catriseu:otherContact Other Contact
catriseu:resourceMaturityInfo Resource Maturity Info
catriseu:resourceDependenciesInfo Resource Dependencies Info
catriseu:resourceAttributionInfo Resource Attribution Info
catriseu:resourceManagementInfo Resource Management Info
catriseu:resourceAccessOrderInfo Resource Access Order Info
catriseu:resourceFinancialInfo Resource Financial Info